Exponiendo la Hechicería en la Iglesia
Are the tactics of the devil in your life? There are many Christians that don’t see the influence of witchcraft in their lives. Satan wants to manipulate, taking the power of the church away. He knows that his final destiny is to spend the rest of his life in the sea of fire, and he will do anything to prolong his influence in this world and in church. Satan’s operations have been growing more than ever in this time. We need to learn to identify those influences in our lives. You will find: * Subtle influences of witchcraft in the church. * The relationship between guilt, condemnation and witchcraft. * How to detect witchcraft. * What the word of God has to say in regards to witchcraft. * How to obtain victory in the cross over the influence of witchcraft. This book is filled with spiritual weapons and practices that can change your life, church, home, and matrimony!