T-Shirt Eternal Life Cross
T-Shirt Eternal Life
Eternal Life Cross™
Embrace God’s gift of eternal life for you in this classic “Eternal Life Cross” T-shirt by Kerusso® in Dark Heather. Nothing in our earthly life is made to last. Not the ground we walk on, the houses we live in, or the clothing on our backs. But the gift of salvation, purchased for us by Jesus Christ, will outlast everything we encounter in our temporary lives.
Romans 6:23 says, “The wages that sin pays are death, but God’s gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Sin carries us far from the Lord, and leaves us in darkness. When we follow Jesus, we are walking in the light, and headed for eternity with Him. What a blessing, to know our forever is taken care of.
Invite others to experience the peace of mind that comes with a relationship with the Lord. We don’t have to worry about what’s happening tomorrow, next month, or even next year when we follow God. He has our names down for all eternity, and we are blessed to know where we’re going for all time, when we give our lives to Him.