Life Of Christ Wall Cross
Life Of Christ Wall Cross
Exquisitely detailed open design wall cross depicts the life of Christ with select scenes from the Nativity through the Resurrection. Antique bronze finish. Cross is 11″ high and made of resin. Comes in vac tray gift box with clear lid. Verse sticker on lid has the poem Life of Christ. Text of poem: His birth was such a miracle that angels would appear; He grew in love and wisdom and in grace, year after year. God sent the Holy Spirit Who descended like a dove, to testify He was indeed the Son that God so loved. He taught in all the synagogues, the words He spoke, divine; He ate and drank with sinners, changing water into wine. And on the hill at Calvary where men left Him for dead, He overcame that final blow, and rose again instead. Poem by Alda Maria copyright Dicksons.